Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cut off your nose to Speidi-Face...

So remember yesterday when I bitched for like 7 hours about the irresponsibility of Heidi Montag's plastic surgeon allowing her to be under anesthesia for the duration of 10 procedures?

This article surfaced today, thus further emphasizing my point.

Heidi? Come on. "Oh, yeah I almost died... but really, it's not a big deal. PS. I want bigger boobs."

Anyone remember what she said back in 2007 when she gave her interview to US Weekly about her "Revenge Plastic Surgery?" I used to subscribe to US Weekly and I have a memory for unnecessary details about unimportant thing, so naturally, I do...

Her quote, verbatim:

"Right before I went in, I was like, What if I don’t wake up? Oh, this is scary. Then I thought, I don’t care. If I don’t wake up, it’s worth it. I just wanted it so badly,"

Well, Heidi, you almost got your wish.

And we almost got ours.


In my world I ROCK said...

my real first name start with an A soooo... I guess I dont need plastic surgery.

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